Sandra Andersch

Sandra Andersch, CCHt
Certified Clinical and Alchemical Hypnotherapist


Hello and Welcome!

I am the founder of Active Transformational Hypnotherapy, a dynamic approach to hypnotherapy that facilitates lasting results and meaningful transformations by assisting clients in accessing their own inner resources for greater peace and empowerment.


My journey to becoming a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Alchemical Hypnotherapist started with my personal experience of the amazing power of hypnotherapy in my own healing journey.

As a result of intense early childhood trauma, my relationship to life was one of a deep sense of fear wired into my nervous system and an ever-present anxiety which seemed to worsen with each passing year.

I had always been interested in psychology and the role of the subconscious in physical, mental and emotional health.  I had held hope that relief and release from my past trauma and persistent anxiety was possible. I also had a sense that professionally I wanted to work with people in a meaningful way. I wasn’t clear about the form this might take, so I studied both Social Work and Psychology at the University of Texas at Austin.  I was particularly inspired by the work of Dr. Carl Jung and the possibilities of bringing mind and soul into greater harmony, for a more meaningful sense of purpose and authentic self-expression.

After college, my early career was in Crisis Intervention, working with women and children survivors of domestic violence. While I loved supporting people through some of their most challenging life experiences, working with people in crisis exacerbated my own unresolved trauma, and my personal anxiety began to get more debilitating. That led me to seek out Jungian therapy, which provided valuable insights and understanding of my patterns, limiting beliefs and fears. It was also a catalyst for a deeper spiritual connection with myself, and with life itself. 

As much as I valued and benefitted from therapy, I still had an unresolved feeling that something was missing, that a major transformative therapeutic shift was possible if I could just “go deeper” and access what was truly in need of healing. In one of those magical moments of synchronicity that life sometimes offers, I happened to walk into a bookstore where a hypnotherapist and author was present for her book release.  She guided us through a brief group journey, and I could already feel something important was happening. I rushed to get her materials and booked a private session with her. As it turned out, she was an Alchemical Hypnotherapist.

Immediately after the session, I wasn’t exactly sure how I felt. I definitely felt more physically relaxed, and I noticed I had gotten a little teary during our session, but I wasn’t sure what would unfold or if it had “worked.” I would not have to wait long, though, to experience its impact. As the day progressed, my senses grew more heightened and everything in life seemed more vibrant and alive with beauty. It was like a lens of despair had been cleared from my eyes. The next morning, I awakened to the same life and same challenges, but how I felt about myself and those challenges had shifted in a positive way. In a way that felt liberating, with more possibility, more hope, more joy and ease; and that continued to blossom and unfold in rewarding ways. My own profound experience with hypnotherapy led me on my own journey to try to understand its magic. How could what I had felt be shared with others? 

In 2006, I began my studies at the Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis and fell in love with this empowering inner work. Each session shared with a client is its own sacred journey, and I am continually re-inspired in witnessing clients become more of who they truly are.


I am passionately dedicated to helping clients to release negative patterns and limiting beliefs; to empower them by assisting them in accessing their inner wisdom and untapped resources; to live a life of freedom, joy and fulfillment; and to achieve personal goals with greater ease.

My wide experience as a Hypnotherapist includes:

  • stress and anxiety reduction
  • pain management
  • preparation for and accelerated recovery from surgery
  • weight loss and weight mastery
  • smoking cessation
  • overcoming fears and phobias
  • ending insomnia
  • increasing motivation and self-esteem
  • enhancement of creativity
  • performance improvement, and 
  • recovery from grief, abuse and trauma.

My practice also includes a focus on Women’s Wellness, which utilizes hypnotherapeutic support for fertility and conception, pregnancy and childbirth.

I am a graduate of the Alchemy Institute of Hypnosis, and I also hold advanced certifications from the Hypnotherapy Training Institute and HypnoBirthing® Institute.

I feel privileged to have studied with pioneers and masters in the field of hypnotherapy:  David Quigley, Gil Boyne, Randal Churchill, Lynsi Eastburn, Marilyn Gordon and Marie Mongan. 

I am certified by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.


Whatever has brought you to this point in your journey, I’d love to meet you and help you to actualize the next step in your personal discovery towards a path for greater passion, purpose, joy and expression.



Active Transformational Hypnotherapy
1801 Bush Street, Suite 207,
San Francisco, CA 94109 

(415) 297-1676

Sandra maintains a private hypnotherapy practice in San Francisco.  She is fully vaccinated and available for in-person and phone sessions.

Contact Sandra